Pocket Square Folds

Man in suit - Credit: iStockPhoto.com

Few accessories for men have the ability to go from fashionable to functional in the blink of an eye like a well-folded pocket square. A true silk pocket square is best used to add a dash of color and style to your wardrobe, and proper pocket square folds add a touch of uniqueness to your overall look. They also help you get more mileage out of a suit when traveling. Changing the
shirt and tie is a must, but a new pocket square in a neat fold rounds out the look and gives it a freshness that only this accessory can achieve.

You’d know this already if you’ve read the AM
Style Bible; it gives you all the wardrobe advice your uncles and grandfathers should have taught you when your dad was too busy working to clue you in on how a man should dress. So guess again if you think you know all there is to know about different pocket square folds.

Master the following pocket square folds to add a touch of class to your suits and

The One Point

This is your standard issue pocket square fold for everyday wear with a conservative suit or a retro-cut suit with a narrow lapel.


1- Open up the square.

The One Point - Credit: The Style Bible

2- Fold it in half, lengthwise.

The One Point - Credit: The Style Bible
3- Fold it again, this time from bottom to top.
The One Point - Credit: The Style Bible
4- Position the folded square in a diamond shape with the exposed folds at the top corner. Fold what is now the left corner in to the middle of the diamond.

The One Point - Credit: The Style Bible
5- Fold what is now the right corner in to slightly overlap the left fold.

The One Point - Credit: The Style Bible
6- Fold the bottom corner back so as to expose the preceding two folds.

7- Slide it in the pocket.
The One Point - Credit: The Style Bible

The Four Point

This pocket square fold is best suited for a double-breasted suit or sport coat. The complex look reinforces the architecture of the double-breasted jacket shape.


1- Open up the square and lay it out in front of you, positioned in a diamond shape.
The Four Point - Credit: The Style Bible
2- Fold the bottom corner up to meet the top corner. You’ve now created two new bottom corners: One on the left and one on the right.
The Four Point - Credit: The Style Bible
3- Fold the bottom right-hand corner up to fall just to the left of the top corner.
The Four Point - Credit: The Style Bible
4- Now, fold the bottom left-hand corner up to the right of the top corner.
The Four Point - Credit: The Style Bible
5- Turn the square around and place in the pocket.
The Four Point - Credit: The Style Bible

The Square

This pocket square fold it the best option for a tuxedo jacket of any cut or a black suit worn to a formal occasion. The fold is simplicity at its finest


1- Open up the square.
The Square - Credit: The Style Bible
2- Now fold it in half, lengthwise.
The Square - Credit: The Style Bible
3- Fold the bottom up so it fall just short of meeting the top.
The Square - Credit: The Style Bible
4- Flip it around. Tuck it in.
The Square - Credit: The Style Bible

The Puff

This is the pocket square fold for those days when you forgo the tie, but want a dash of style to stand out from the crowd.


1- Unfold the pocket square.
The Puff - Credit: The Style Bible
2- Pinch it in the center and raise it up, letting the points hang down.The Puff - Credit: The Style Bible

3- Use the space between your thumb and forefinger to cinch the hanging square at its midway point.
The Puff - Credit: The Style Bible
4- Fold the hanging points up.
The Puff - Credit: The Style Bible
5- Stuff it in.

The Puff - Credit: The Style Bible

hip to be square

Somewhere between JFK deciding to no longer wear a hat and fashion's death spiral into casual work attire, the pocket square and its ability to transform and invigorate a man’s wardrobe has been nearly lost to posterity. However, with a little practice you have the chance to reclaim the pocket square as your own go-to accessory to liven up your closet.

Sure, your male friends might tease you at first (before they wise up and ask where you learned about such matters), but you’ll get approving nods from older gentlemen for whom a pocket square has always been like a friend. And the women you meet… well, you will notice a difference in their lingering glances and the glint in their eyes as they survey your attire. And if this little notion doesn’t get you to fold a piece of fine grade silk into a One Point, a Four Point, a Square, or a Puff, we don’t know what will.
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