Veterans of rush-hour traffic, raise your hands. You know what I'm talking about. It's like a stock car race out there. Bumper to bumper traffic. Cars right on your bumper even though you're going as fast you can. A typical rush hour: speed up as fast as you can and then slam hard on the brakes when traffic slows.
The problem with these scenarios is that the people in the cars are not professional drivers; they are ordinary people like you and me who often take unnecessary risks during rush hour, so they can get to their destination as quickly as possible.
In addition to people driving unsafely, you can also add road rage to your list of rush-hour worries. The stories seem to come right out of a Hollywood movie. A man throws a dog of another driver into oncoming traffic because he was mad at the driver. A student knifes another driver after a fender-bender. A retiree shoots a teenager for taking his parking spot.
It's almost like a war zone on today's roads, and it only gets worse during rush hour. So, what can you do to survive the perils of rush hour?
turn the other cheek
It's tempting to flip out when someone cuts you off; maybe you want to speed up and do the same thing to him or perhaps you want to give that person some type of hand signal (and I don't mean a friendly wave, either).However, to avoid trouble, don't respond to these road bullies. If you decide to tailgate the person or make obscene gestures, you are only amplifying the problem.
Negative reactions to situations like this may result in the driver upping the ante by following you too closely or getting in front of you and slamming on his brakes. If the other driver does something like this, move into the next lane and slow down. This will usually defuse the tense situation.
tailgating dilemmas
Say you are just driving along, minding your own business, when you look in your rearview mirror and notice a car following you way too closely. What would you do?Some people would tap on the brakes as a not-so-subtle message that the driver is following too closely and should back off. Don't do this. That response may be interpreted by the driver as a hostile act and could lead to an escalation of the situation.
Chances are the driver behind you has simply taken his mind off driving for a minute and has no idea that he is right on your bumper. Wait a while and the car behind you will usually drop back and get off your bumper.
Be a man, don't look him in the eyes...
avoid eye contact
It's so tempting. You finally get around the jerk and are free of his driving tactics. But before you pull away from him, you want to give him a glance and let him know you are upset.Avoid making eye contact with the driver. Once eye contact is made, the other person has been engaged. Limousine drivers, bound to protect their passengers, never make contact with other drivers. They just cruise through traffic, oblivious of anyone who might want to look at them and cut off the big, shiny car.
You don't know anything about the person you just glanced at while passing. They could be on drugs. Or the driver could have just had a fight with his significant other. Or the person could have a gun. A driver who is upset or mentally unstable may not let you get away.
don't drive home
When someone continues to follow you after a tense road situation, don't go home. You don't want that person to know where you live.Instead, drive to a public place like a gas station or a restaurant. If one is nearby, stop at a police station. If you carry a cell phone, call the police. Seeing you make a call may discourage your unwanted companion.
stay in your car
Say you and the offending driver stop at a light. Do not get out of the car. That could lead to violence. The driver may be carrying some type of weapon and may be angry enough to use it.If the other driver gets out his car and heads toward you, do not get out and confront him. Remain in the car, roll up the windows and lock the doors. If the light changes, simply drive off. If you have a cell phone, call the police immediately.
be a courteous driver
The best way to deal with aggressive drivers is not to be one yourself. Don't do anything that you wouldn't want done to you. Don't tailgate or flash your lights at someone just because that person isn't driving fast enough for you. And don't hog the passing lane.Realize that you could be a better driver -- most people don't think that they are part of the problem. According to a national survey conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, nearly three-quarters of 543 drivers questioned believe their driving skills are above average.
With vehicles of all shapes and sizes traveling at high speeds during heavy traffic, driving at rush hour is hazardous enough without people getting upset with each other. Relax while you drive, be considerate of other drivers, obey the rules, and don't be in such a hurry to get where you need to be. After all, are you really in that big a rush to get to work?
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