Since we all have to feed our families, grocery shopping is a necessary evil. The trip to the store is often time-consuming and boring, and it generally takes up a substantial portion of your budget. However, by following a few simple steps, you can save a significant amount of money at the supermarket.
Shop once a week or less
Limiting the number of trips to the grocery store protects your budget in a number of ways. One of the most critical and common mistakes is impulse buying, which can wreak havoc on your food budget. By limiting visits to the supermarket, you reduce this possibility and are forced to plan a list of things to buy. This allows you to concentrate on buying more items in bulk, which are generally less expensive. When you factor in the money spent on gas and your time, you’ll see that you can save some significant cash.Leave the kids at home
Kids can cause several complications at the store. They have a tendency to extend the time you spend there and promote impulse buys. Bringing the kids with you will also make you more susceptible to buying junk food and prepared food. Not only are these foods unhealthy, they are also expensive and worth very little with regard to your dietary needs.Plan your meals
Before you hit the store, plan your meals for the week and concentrate on buying only the items you need. When you get home, multiply your grocery bill by four and you will have a fairly accurate estimate of your monthly food costs. Every time you go grocery shopping, try to stay within this range. If you exceed your budget, analyze your bill once you get home to figure out which items you could have done without.Don’t buy in individual sizes
Be sure to pay attention to the packaging of certain items; many containers conceal the little amount of food they actually hold. Although they are convenient, items sold in individual serving sizes or snack sizes are generally not a good bargain. The same can be accomplished by buying items in bulk and packaging them yourself in sealable plastic bags.To protect yourself against the trickery of packaging, be sure to check the unit price of items. In many stores, the unit price is listed below the shelf price.
Buy discount items
Most stores send out fliers that advertise sale items on a weekly basis. Check them and mark specific sale items you need on your shopping list. By planning meals that include ingredients that are on sale, you can save up to 10% on each individual meal.Also, seek out points programs. Many stores offer discounts for frequent shoppers, so try to visit these as much as possible. The points will add up over time and end up saving you a noticeable amount of money.
Use leftovers
This piece of advice is all too often ignored. We cook a great meal, wrap up the leftovers and forget about them, until we find them a week later and throw them out. This is unnecessary. Several different meals can be made from similar ingredients, so you don’t have to eat the same thing twice. Check online leftovers recipes for ideas. Also, things like pasta sauces can be frozen for several weeks and thawed to make easy, cost-effective meals.saving made easy
These simple tips will not only save you money on a regular basis, they will also save you time. If you follow them, perhaps you will save enough to take a family vacation at the end of the year.Resources:
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