Drunk Driving Statistics - Fact or Fiction?

Every 30 minutes, so says the other person killed by a drunk driver - often cited as a dramatic range of statistics by the group of anti-alcohol as the mother Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Surely, the statistics should and should not have an impact on listeners. Drunk driving is no laughing matter, and is certainly a serious problem - however, the situation will not be nearly as bleak as some make it seem.

There is a saying that 90% of all statistics can be made to say something, 50% of the time. Although this statement is clearly excessive, contain a grain of truth - the statistics are not as scientific as many people believe. In many cases, the statistics become skewed (whether intentionally or not) and communicate the message that do not match reality purports to describe. Could this happen in DWI-related research?

Alcohol-related incidents

If you believe the popular media, about 50% of traffic deaths are caused by the movement of people who drive drunk. If you choose to find the truth yourself, you can arrive at a percentage close to 10%, according to the National Motorists Association - a significant drop, to say the least.

Why popularized the numbers now? One factor is regrettable confusion involving the term "alcohol-related incidents." In most cases, all traffic deaths where the victim is a measurable amount of alcohol in your system qualifies as "alcohol-related incidents. "

This is true even if the person has alcohol in their system is not physically or mentally by alcohol still, if not the cause of the accident, or even if it is an innocent pedestrian is not behind All wheel. That is, if a drunk driver driving waste and killing pedestrians is not impaired by alcohol concentration (BAC) of 01 (the legal limit is 08, for comparison), the incident was classified as alcohol-related spread media and special interest groups and politicians.

The politicization of the issue

Unfortunately, attempts to completely prevent drunk driving is hampered by a sensationalist approach to the popular media, the crusade of purpose interest group bias and the politicization of the topic. Because of terrible statistic DWI makes a good news, the promotion of narrow-minded purpose of interest groups, and make political speeches for the dramatic, often preferred instead of reality.

Although the original purpose of organizations such as MADD (ie to prevent drunk driving) is a noble, this goal is ugly, it becomes more of a political movement is quite visible and attractive (the peace of the roadblocks and control, for example) about the solutions that are scientifically proven to work.

For more information about the truth behind the DWI, DWI Austin attorney visit http://www.dwi-lawyers-austin.com Morales and Navarrete.

Joseph Devine
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